Summit II Evauation Survey
Event Evaluation Survey

1. What is one take away or action item you will undertake as a result of the Summit? *

2. What connection(s) did you make at the Summit that will help enhance the work of your nonprofit organization or a non profit organization with which you're involved? ____________________________________________________________________________*

3. As a result of the Summit process, how can you more effectively partner with NPDCSNJ to support better collaboration among South Jersey's NPOs?*

4. Are you willing to host or sponsor a roundtable discussion or Mini-Summit to help the engagement process grow within South Jersey's non profit community?*

5. Have you checked your NPO's listing in the new South Jersey Non Profit Directory? (It's easy if you use link below.).*

6. Have you responded to our request for your personal "Issues Ranking" by going to the Google form entitled "South Jersey Summit II - Issues Ranking"? (Please see link below if answered No).*

7. On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high), tell us the overall value you place on the Summit and its related initiatives (Networking, Directory, "Issue Ranking," etc.)

8. What is one idea, suggestion or recommendation that you can suggest for the next Summit...tentatively scheduled for Spring 2026?
