Seven Programs for Spring 2020
to Help NPO Leaders
and Managers Do Their Jobs Better!
NPDC’s Workshop Series on Non Profit Management at Camden County College has been created for leadership track NPO mangers and others wishing to broaden their skills and knowledge. Seven workshops are being presented by NPDC faculty in the Spring 2020 semester.
To register, go to:…or call 856-374-4955
Program participants learn to identify, understand, and apply a broad spectrum of management skills and practices in critical areas of NPO program management. Participants can register for one workshop, several, or all seven.
The curriculum has been curated by the Board of the Non Profit Development Center of Southern New Jersey and program participants who successfully complete a total of 12 modules qualify for a Certificate in NPO Management from NPDC and the College. The fee for each workshop is $30.
The Spring Workshop Series includes:
Success Metrics and Program Impact:
You Are What You Count
How do you evaluate the impact of your program? You are what you count, so you need to be conversant with success metrics, CQI, and change management. Topics include evaluation tools and step-by-step program assessment.
Thursday, February 13 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill
Human Resources and Employment Law:
Understanding Workplace Laws and Creating a Positive Work Environment
Introduction to the role of HR in Non Profit Management. Topics include understanding workplace laws and legal relationships, including creation of an Employee Handbook, creating a positive work environment, and utilizing a step-by-step process for addressing performance problems and making best hiring decisions. Additional topics include FMLA, ADA, diversity inclusion in hiring, “firing without fear,” at-will employment, discrimination investigations (including potential classes), and medical marijuana.
Thursday, February 20 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill
Volunteer Management:
Finding Them and Keeping Them
Introduction to the recruitment and management of volunteers, including vetting and background checks, skill/need matching, and recognition.
Monday, February 24 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill
Succession Planning for NPOs:
Who Has the Keys…and Not Just to the Office?
If you ask people in a non-profit, who holds the keys to their website, they will usually name a single person. If you ask what happens if that person suddenly leaves, who could they turn to, you will usually get a very disturbed deer in the headlight look. For most non-profits their key resource is their people. Yet for a variety of reasons, very few non-profits consider what would happen if a key staff member, board member or volunteer should get sick, no longer be available or decide to leave. Explore the key activities needed to assure the sustainability of a non-profit when it loses key personnel.
Monday, March 9 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill
Time Management:
Doing What You Like to Do vs. What You Need to Do
Insight into making “good” decisions and working more efficiently. Plus a look at 18 different apps that help track your team’s work hours and also their productivity (you can eliminate distractions). Includes discussions about assigning people to different tasks, creating projects based on budget, people, tasks, etc.
Monday, March 16 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill
Effective Meetings:
Is This Term Really and Oxymoron?
How do you turn “this is a colossal waste of time” meetings into short, focused meetings that produce results? Studies suggest that the average manager will spend as much as 31 hours in unproductive meetings every month. Not hard to believe when you realize that, on average, an employee attends 62 meetings each and every month. Even more important: 91% admit to daydreaming, 47% complain poor meetings are the #1 time-waster in the office, and 39% admit that they have even fallen asleep! Help your people reach a common understanding on what factors influence good and bad meetings.
Thursday, March 19 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill
Social Media:
What To Do and What Not To Do
Facebook, You Tube, Instagram, Twitter? How many social media platforms do your need? Should you blog or create a vlog? How often should you post? Which platforms should you use? And how can you use them effectively…especially if you’re not a social media maven?
Monday, March 30 • 6:00 to 8:30 PM • Rohrer Campus/Cherry Hill